Saturday, August 27, 2016

Week 3 The Comic Strip

I read Krazy Kat and the Peanuts. I thought Krazy Kat was a pretty good comic kinda of goofy, silly and violent. It kinda reminded me of a loony tune cartoon but i do guess it's from that era and then hear you talk about the history of the comic about the man having to run from New Orleans to then California. I didn't think much of it at first but then hearing you talk about it class made me really think

plus I also read the peanuts just because. I read some of it before and i do love it. I love Charlie Brown and the kinda of lovable loser kinda of character

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Week 2 understanding comics

I thought the part about simpler characters with super realistic backgrounds was interesting.  I had notice this before with some of the manga I've read as a young adult and that i thought the backgrounds. Thinking about this comic this book is pretty good a lot of this book is pretty interesting as someone that has kind of always been read comics on and off again this book has really made me think about want to do it myself. I'm instersted in what Scott McCloud has written other than this book because the why he writes about the comics make me think that this guy really knows his stuff