Friday, September 30, 2016

Week 7: Maus

              way back when I was prolly a freshman in high school. we took a trip the big apple and way back in high school and when walking in the city we walked by a small hole in the wall comic book shop. I have no idea what compelled me to grabbed that book but some how I brought it and I remember then reading non stop. At the time it kinda led me reading, watching a lot of documenterys on world war two and asking my dad a bunch of questions which he is a huge history buff.

any how the talk in class about how important the book was was kinda cool to her about.

Friday, September 16, 2016

week 6: underground comics

It seemed pretty weird reading these kinda of comics. When I was younger I used to read be into a lot of shock humor. going on to sites like 4chan and newgrounds seeing some the dumb dick jokes and dirty humor. So seeing this kinda of thing is weird to think that there were this kinda humor. I think it was really Air Pirates that was kind of like woah, It was pretty good I liked it tho. I'm kinda of curious to read the book about the law suet to the person that wrote it because it seemed like they wanted to take him for all he had.